Friday, September 27, 2024

AIR diaries, etc. blog #6

 Oh dear. You know anytime a blog starts off "Oh dear" it's nothing good. 

There are all new people kids in the AIR house. I had to deal with a medical issue and was away for a few days. I returned to all new kids in the house. The room on my right is full of young pot smokers. The room to my left has a young Asian boy in it who might be a special needs kid. I suggest he's special needs to be kind. If he's not special needs, then his parents must not have taught him any hygiene practices particularly with the toilet. I ran into the kid this morning while in the kitchen. He said he liked my hair then started humming to himself. Weird. I said thank you and went about my way (as fast as possible). The kid then went into the bathroom and pee'd on the floor in front of the toilet. And just now when I went into the bathroom, he (I do not doubt it was him) went #2 and didn't flush the toilet. And being an observant person, none of the kids in the house are washing their hands. In two days, the hand soap in the bathrooms have not gone down at all until I came back and used it. I am constantly going through Clorox Bleach wipes in fear of getting some kind of listeria. In addition to that, the kids don't lock the front door which is how home murders occur. I do not doubt one day this AIRbnb house will be on the news as the house where everyone was slaughtered in the middle of the night because no one locks the front door. 

I used to think young generations aren't breeding because they know they can't afford children and are being smart about it, but now I'm actually starting to think I'm giving them too much credit. I don't know which is worse to be honest, filthy adults or filthy children. How are these kids being raised?

Why do none of the good renters stay. WHY. I liked the last guy who was renting the room to my right, although on the last night I was here when he was, he was shuffling throughout the house nonstop at 3am. Drugs? When I go out in the mornings before the day gets too hot, I overhear the neighbors constantly complaining about all the people coming and going from this house. They only know me because they see me consistently. They gossip in Spanish, see me smile and wave, then go back to gossiping in Spanish. 

I'm trying Facebook dating hoping to better the odds of finding men my age. It seems this is where the men folk are being hit up hard to buy girls cryptocurrency as code for prostitution since the apps all got wise to "sugar daddy/sugar baby". Every male profile I see, the men all say, "I will not buy into your cryptocurrency scam." It's not a scam fellas. The young gals are simply saying you're too old to be in a normal healthy loving relationship with them - but hey wanna buy me for an hour a week? It's the oldest profession in the book. Biblical, old.

It's being reported that Nevada is the loneliest state in America. You know why, because the California men who move here as a home away from home, still think they're LA studs in small towns where the women are serious about finding a mate. Las Vegas IS a small town. A very transient small desert town surrounded by a bunch of other small desert towns. You can't mess with the local women in Las Vegas like you can in Los Angeles. For one thing, you don't have the numbers. For another, it's extremely transient. The local Las Vegas women want love and marriage. Only the weekend warrior "Woo Vegas!" party girls want you - for your money. Er, cryptocurrency. Add to that, I don't think men over 50 years of age realize they're old. Too old to be "a swinging guy" without looking like...

Doesn't Chrissy look happy. Pssst, buy more Crypto, Mr Farley. 

PS. Don Knotts is 55 years old here. 

It's almost October and it's still over 100F degrees out. Madness. They're wearing beanie hats and Fall coats in LA and we're still hiding indoors by 9am. I need a treadmill. I also need a new coffee/breakfast hangout. I've decided I need to start being one of those elderly regulars somewhere for breakfast. A senior friendly cafe. In less than five years I'll be 60 years old, kids. My hot piece days are soooo over thank goodness. Time to audition for "cool grandma" roles on the big screen. Roles where I get to carry a big gun and say things to men I'm about to murder like, "Come to grandma!"

And speaking of it...

(sigh) Maggie Smith has reportedly died. This one really makes me sad. I love her movies. Many of them streaming now. It's going to be a Maggie Smith movie night. All hail Maggie Smith! 

Have a good day all. Go make something beautiful, cool, scary, yellow, sad, edgy, wonderful. The world needs more art. 

Yours truly,
