Tuesday, September 3, 2024

CHAPTER 1 (WARNING: adult subject matter)

Good morning. 

As I've been saying I'm writing a book. I'm about halfway finished. As I promised yesterday here is Chapter 1.

A note from the author: 

This book is complete fiction. Except for the parts that aren’t.

There are far worse things waiting man than death.”

(Dracula, 1931)

CHAPTER 1. Adam. One among millions that never mattered.


A dispatch from Adam:

Why am I here? What have you done. Thanks to you I am displaced in this world. You act like you did me a favor giving me life. What was your plan? Did you even have one? You made me. It is your job to care for me. It was your job to give me everything I need to succeed in this life. Did you? No. You failed. You’re a failure. Instead you act like raising a child is a burden. You forced me into the world then left me empty handed. You want me to be grateful? For what? To work hard all my life, fight for everything I have year after year, suffer year after year, and I’m supposed to be grateful to you for squeezing me out of some woman’s vagina? A woman who hates me and curse’s my name. Are you serious? Fuck you.

A dispatch from Adam:

Juvenile blood and bones. The father you gave me does not see me. My only purpose for him are lessons in guns and killing. The only thing he ever taught me was how to shoot guns and kill animals. I have a growing animal cemetery in the woods behind my house of all the animals I killed. I visit it regularly.

There’s a girl. Her name is Evelyn. She lives two houses down from me. We go to the same school. I just killed her cat. I shot it between the eyes just like dad taught me. The cat didn’t die right away. It whined and cried terribly. It bled and suffered a horrible death. If you let your cat go outside I’m going to kill it. My dad loves me when I kill. Honor thy father. When Evelyn’s cat eventually died I buried it in my animal cemetery next to a big oak tree. I’m going to take Evelyn there soon. To my animal cemetery. To the grave of her dead cat. I’m going to console her. Maybe rape her. Not sure yet. Waiting for the right moment.

A dispatch from Adam:

It’s been a month since I killed Evelyn’s cat. The girls in school still swarm around Evelyn like a tight blanket consoling her as if I killed her mother instead of her cat. I thought about digging up the rotting cat corpse and leaving it on Evelyn’s doorstep but I instead became part of the consoling blanket. She seems to like the attention I give her. Evelyn and I talk more than usual now. I can always use the cat corpse another day. I’ve decided to rape Evelyn. I’ll lure her into the woods with alcohol and drugs. Girls are easy that way. I wonder if I have film for my Polaroid camera.

A dispatch from Adam:

It’s done. I am a man of my word. I took Evelyn into the woods last night. I lured her out there with beer and drugs. It was so easy. We sat on the ground next to the big oak tree. Four feet on top of where I buried her cat. I was worried there would be a stench but there wasn’t. I got Evelyn drunk. We kissed a lot. She let me grope her body. Then Evelyn suddenly passed out. I wanted her awake. I did all kinds of stuff with her body anyway. Took Polaroids. Used up all the film. I had spare film but one cartridge was enough. I had sex with her. She’s not a virgin. She didn’t bleed. She just laid there like she was dead. She probably would have just laid there if she was awake. Still kind of hot. Girls find weird ways to ask for sex instead of just doing it. Girls always need excuses to do things. Evelyn went into the woods with me on a Friday night with beer and drugs. What did she think we were going to do out there? I ejaculated in her hair. I took Polaroids of everything. I’ll use them later to masturbate to. I redressed her and waited for her to wake up. It was nearly dawn when she finally did. So annoying. She was groggy. I had to half drag her home. I would have left her in the woods but we still go to school together. Next time it will be with someone I don’t go to school with. Then I can just leave her in the woods or wherever.

A dispatch from Adam:

It’s been two weeks since I raped Evelyn in the woods that Friday night. She made a loud fuss at school. Not at home. She made the fuss where reputations mattered. Had she made the fuss at home her parents would be pissed at her for going into the woods with a boy to drink beer, get high, “And lord only knows what else!” Her parents would scream at her. Parents are fucked that way. No preventive measure. Just scream at their children after the fact when it’s too late. Evelyn accused me of doing all kinds of things to her. Some true. Some not. I never drugged her. We smoked pot but I didn’t “spike” her beer like she accused me of doing. I hate liars.

As I predicted the blanket of condolence at school that once comforted Evelyn on her missing now presumed dead cat, turned on her. The kids judge her now for going into the woods with a boy and later crying rape. I knew they would. Girls are so judgmental of other girls. Worse thing a girl can do is talk. It will be used against her. I don’t think girls really like each other to be honest. Girls like pretending to care. It makes them feel good to pretend. The girls at school call Evelyn a slut and a whore. All the guys at school nod up at me now with approval. I showed a select few degenerate guys a couple of Polaroids. They begged me to let them keep one or two. I told them, fellas, you can’t call yourself a hunter until you bagged a deer of your own.

Evelyn threatened to call the cops. I got right in her face and told her to do it. Call them. Do it. DO IT! Then I broke into her locker and taped a naked Polaroid of her on the grounds spread eagle and fully exposed from head to feet. She didn’t mention the cops ever again. She then said what she thought happened in the woods was all a misunderstanding. Exactly. A misunderstanding. Don’t you ever forget it.

A dispatch of from Adam:

Raping Evelyn was the best thing I could have done for myself. I don’t really consider it rape. To be honest I just like the word rape. I like the way it sounds. It’s sexy. Rape. RAPE. RAPE! Evelyn knew what the deal was before going into the woods with me. All the girls in school knew. She knew. A few of her best girl friends went into the woods with me afterwards. They didn’t pass out. They drank and got high like pros. Stripped off their own clothes and mine. They practically raped me. Not that I’m complaining. Funny thing though, after a while the willing girls get boring. I started missing good ol’ limp naked Evelyn. I found porno mags of girls passed out. Some guy started shooting smut films of drunk girls being slutty. Some of those sluts were passed out. Totally hot.

A dispatch from Adam:

I met another girl. Her name is Leslie. You know how in cop shows they say by repeating the victim’s name you humanize the victim to her captor. I don’t feel that all. I can say Evelyn’s name over and over. Just like I can say Leslie’s name over and over and still feel nothing. Evelyn. Leslie. Evelyn. Leslie. See, nothing.

Let me tell you about Leslie. I think her father molested her when she was young. She lets me do all kinds of nasty things to her. Stuff I would expect some bored fat old housewife to eagerly do on account of how starved for attention she is. Leslie is my age. Not at all pretty. Her face is heavily scarred from chicken pox and acne but she has a nice body. She goes to a different school. I got wise after Evelyn. I met Leslie in the parking lot behind a bowling alley. I was getting high in my car. I saw Leslie trolling the parking lot trying to make some money. You know any teenage girl trolling a parking lot at night wants to get into it. I got her stoned and banged her in my car. I made her call me daddy. I think hers really did molest her. How did I get so lucky. We got into it good in my car that night. Got her to say she loved giving her dad blowjobs. Now she lets me slap her, strangle her, tie her up, gag her, she even lets my dealer and his friends bang her. My dealer’s a fat old slob. His friends are disgusting. Leslie’s a real slut. I thought that would turn me off but I like that about her. I considered sending her father a thank you note. I wouldn’t mind watching her dad have at her if you want to know the honest truth. Some girls are into that. That’s how man populated, through incest. I thought it was pretty disgusting then. Funny how girls can change your mind by turning you on to depraved things when they’re fucked in the head.

Leslie does this one irritating thing. She laughs all the time even when she’s not stoned. She laughs at everything. She laughs even with a cigarette in her mouth. I don’t mind that she smokes cigarettes. It covers up the pot smell but the laughing can grind on your nerves. And she’s constantly pulling her hair pins out of her head. She chews on them then she pops them back in her hair. Ten minutes later she takes them out, chews on them, and pops them back in. Gross. Sort of my fault. I told her to pin her hair back. Nothing worse than some slut giving you a half decent blowjob then suddenly stopping to pull hair out of her mouth. I told her pin her hair back. That’s two things she does that make me want to slap her even when we’re not having sex, but I always wait until we are. I don’t need any troubles. I don’t think Leslie would care if I slapped her to be honest or punched her. She’s kind of dead inside. Even her laugh sounds hallow.

Final dispatch from Adam:

Leslie gave me a Zippo lighter for my birthday. I’m pretty sure she stole it. She doesn’t have a job. Maybe she does. Maybe she still trolls parking lots for money. I don’t care. Whatever. Still, the Zippo is cool. I’m always the one getting girls drunk and stoned. I’m always the one doing the giving. Leslie’s the first girl to give me something. I showed her my appreciation by stringing her up to a tree in the park last night and letting some old guys I met at the head shop have their way with her.

Maybe after graduation I’ll ask Leslie to marry me. I’m not in love with her but I think we could really get into it together. Our honeymoon will be a cross country road trip. Handcuffs. Rope. Duck Tape. Female hitchhikers. Me and Leslie could really get into it with wandering young female hitchhikers.

I saw on a cop show that a wife can’t testify against her husband. Not that we’ll get caught but just in case Leslie does something stupid she can’t rat me out. Until then, to show my appreciation for her I’ll torch something. Show her how much I appreciate the Zippo. I’ll set something big on fire just for her. She’ll like that. It’ll make her laugh. She loves to laugh. So annoying.

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