Thursday, September 5, 2024


This is the most peaceful the house has been since I first moved in last June. I live in an Airbnb house though I am not an Airbnb renter. I rent month to month since June this year. The other three rooms are Airbnb rooms.

There's a new guy to the right of me who seems really nice. I don't know who is to the left of me, but a light is on in their room, so someone is in there. In the master bedroom is a mom and her young child. Both very sweet people. When the mom moved in, I was a little worried she was going to "mom" the house because of how upset she was when she moved in that things were not clean to her standards, and she literally tossed the house to clean it. But she's nice. I can't tell where her accent is from, but she cooks dinner for her child every night and the house smells very homey.  

Thank god whoever was in the room to the right of me moved out. They were so dirty and inconsiderate. They left a big smear of blue (I'm guessing) shampoo along the shower wall, TONS of teeny tiny black curly hairs everywhere and long hair clogging the drain in the tub. I cleaned all of it out yesterday. Gross.

HOW do people go into an Airbnb and not bring the essentials with them or buy them when they arrive? Any time I travel I make sure to have Clorox wipes, a hair catcher for the shower, air freshener, and plenty of soap. Basic essentials for keeping clean. Hygiene! The only time Americans get 24-hour dysentery is when among travelers who are not clean. 

I'm motoring along with my book. Just writing all day long, nap, writing all night long, nap, wake up, and go back to writing immediately. I stocked up at Walmart yesterday, my shelves are full, and it's right back to work. I even have ideas for a second book to write immediately following this one. 

What kind of book am I writing? I've mentioned Ed Gein twice now. Karl Tanzler, once. Look, humans could have been docile loving creatures eating fruit and vegetables, occasional fish and game, but no, we turned into beings with taxes and car insurance. WHY? In Georgia it's been reported that a 14-year-old kid in Georgia killed two students and two teachers. Are his parents going to be charged with murder also? They absolutely should. 

Back in the 70's violent crime was reported without sensationalism. Today it's a news blip like a social media short for likes. It used to be in depth news coverage and now it's like welp some kid somewhere shot up his school, killed 4 people, and now on to the weather. Wait! I have questions. We all have questions! Where are the parents? How did he get ahold of a gun? Why did he shoot up his school? Are there any credible child psychiatrists available to cover this story with the news? Putting a kid in jail without rehabilitation is pointless. You might as well keep him in jail. The problem is that humans now have the shortest attention spans ever. Do you even care WHY this kid shot up his school? Understanding where you are now you have to first understand where you've been. I'm 55 years old and I just learned why I have a nervous condition. As a little girl I was raised in a house of drama. Smart, as in aware, as I thought I've always been since becoming an adult, I didn't realize until recently that the world never made sense to me unless there was constant drama going on. I could never stand still. "I need problems, always!" Only now at 55 years of age am I learning how to live without drama and enjoy it. Take for example Carry Bradshaw, Sex and the City, treated Aiden like shit because he had his life together and wanted good things for himself and for her, and while Carry might think she needed the drama of Mister Big to be satisfied, in actuality her need for drama stemmed from her childhood. She was raised in a house of unrest AND THAT is what my book is about. Not Carry Bradshaw, but what happens when you need more pain and suffering in your life because you never disconnected the toxic wiring that was put in you as a child.

I firmly believe you become what you think is the right way to live by how you were raised. Now, I've argued that you can stop living dramatic harmful cycles by tuning in, by being aware and mindful of your surroundings, but that's not enough. You also have to go deep into your childhood to disconnect the harmful wires that weren't placed there naturally. The harmful psychological wires that thrive on destructive drama and pain. You have to locate those wire and disconnect them carefully without blowing yourself up. Put aside politics, go deeper, can't this 14-year-old kid in Georgia still be saved? Clearly something and/or someone made this kid. Made him thoughtless, made him disconnected with violence, made him unaware and/or uncaring of consequence, and at 14 years of age his brain hasn't matured into adulthood. He's still soft and mushy. While paying for his crimes can he also be saved?  

I have questions. We all have questions. We need answers. 

As a child my dad sent me to child psychiatrists to ensure the abuse I suffered at the hands of his wife wasn't going to permanently damage me. Well, it did. Add to that, the psychiatrists told my dad I wasn't the one who should be in therapy, his wife should be and that was never going to happen. Back in the day parents beat their kids within an inch of their lives, and it was called parenting. My dad's wife, not my mom, was horribly uneducated, unread, anti-social, jealous of everyone, and only knew how to react and not to act independently. She had no desire to live. No friends. No life. She had no ability to converse with anyone. My dad only married her because he got her pregnant. I don't know what her psychological conditions were but there had to have been several of them. 

As a teenager, I read somewhere that non "true blood" babies born during Nazi Germany were then test subjects. Nurses would purposely withhold all emotional contact to see what kind of child he or she would grow up to be. To see if even though they would never receive love would they still want love. Nurses would stutter among the older children to see if they would also stutter and if any of them would come to realize they didn't have to. Regarding the experiments I mentioned, no, none of them children wanted love, knew how to love, wanted to show love, and all of them stuttered until the day they horribly died.

I was never a huge fan of George Carlin, but I remember one bit where he said, "If we still called it Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (instead of all the pretty little names they've called it since) maybe those military service people could get the help they actually need." Indeed. Amen.

The only reason to ban books is to ban knowledge. Just remember that.

It's one thing to throw in an adult subject matter warning, I'm all for that, but it's another thing entirely to say we're now going to control what you read and how you think and feel. It's another thing entirely to want to control emotions and psychological wiring of not just other people but entire continents of people. That's what abusive parents do.   

I want better for the kids.

I want parents to do better.

I want society to be better.

I want kids to read books and know that "Once upon a time in a land far far away" is just that and nothing more. I want kids to read the last page and go, "That was awesome!" and then go outside and play with their friends. Society has to give kids that. We owe them that. Kids deserve that safety and freedom. 

The book I'm writing isn't for children and if they want to put an 18 and older censorship sticker on it, I'm 100% good with it. 

Any politician who wants to ban books and blogs and reading in general doesn't want a free society. They want drone followers. How can anyone vote for this? Why would anyone allow themselves to be turned into a drone? 

And that's as political as I'm going to get here. I'm not writing this blog for them. I'm not writing my book for them.

Go! Have a creative day! Ask questions. Never stop asking questions.

Thanks for the visit. 


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