Sunday, October 6, 2024

AIR blog #9, Kicking and screaming?

Continued from AIR blog #8

Please first read AIR blog #8 or scroll down to it. This blog is an update.


Wow. Even more drama. After the guest in the room to my right created all this self-entitled drama, calling myself and the housekeeper racists because we don't want her doing drugs in the house or leaving the front door constantly unlocked or "entertaining" different sketchy men at all hours of the night, the guest, a black woman, met the housekeeper face-to-face for the first time who also happens to be a black woman. Prior actions between the two women were behind closed doors. The guest didn't know the housekeeper is also black. Last night was the first time the guest saw the housekeeper's face whom she accused of being racist against black people. Reminder, the woman who helps manage this house is someone I respect and am friendly with. The guest had also accused me of being the person who "banged" on her bedroom door about smoking pot in the house when that was in fact the housekeeper. none of the complaints the guest accuses us of is at all accurate, but she complains anyway. It makes her feel good about herself, I guess.

When the guest learned the housekeeper is also black the guest couldn't scream racism, so she tried another tactic.    

The community lights in the housing complex are all out for some reason, and while the immediate surroundings are pretty safe for kids and doggies to play in after dark, with the lights out, no one does for obvious reasons. When the housekeeper, who lives down the street, received a text message from the homeowner regarding a separate issue with the house, it was after dark, and she just happened to be walking one of her dogs. A puppy-in-training. (I think) a German Shephard. A beautiful puppy who was muzzled, on a leash, and very obedient for a puppy. Even if the housekeeper wasn't walking her dog, she for obvious reasons would have brought another one of her doggies with her for protection while walking alone down the street in the dark. So, when the racism card didn't play out for the guest, she then text another complaint to the homeowner regarding the housekeeper and... take a guess... her puppy. The guest said the housekeeper brought her 6-month-old puppy with her as "a threat" and means of intimidation against the guest. The muzzled, obedient, 6-month-old-puppy was, according to the guest, being used against her as a scare tactic. The "threatening puppy" was wearing a vest that read "Please do not pet" and "In training". This muzzled obedient puppy apparently frightened the guest who happens to be a 5'10, 240+ pound black woman. Never mind the fact the guest never apologized to the housekeeper for wrongfully calling her a racist. She did however text the homeowner, "Okay it's not racism because your housekeeper is also black but..." 

That's not an apology, dear. Bless her heart. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

While being afraid for her life around this muzzled 6-month-old puppy, the guest kept referring to herself as "us". The housekeeper is harassing "us", the housekeeper should have never confronted "us". The housekeeper helps manage the property so yes, she has every right to talk to the guest. Besides that, the guest just admitted that while she paid to rent the room just for herself, she's now using the word "us". Admitting that while she only paid for one guest when there are in fact two. It's a common scam airbnb guests do especially when the homeowner doesn't live on the property.

As I mentioned before, I'm friendly with the housekeeper. She's a super sweet lady. She's the, "If you need anything, anything at all, I'm just down the street" kind of person and she means it. Super thoughtful and considerate to my safety especially since I'm the only month-to-month tenant in an airbnb house where the other three bedroom on occasion get rented out to people who have dangerous lifestyle habits and behaviors like the guest checking out Sunday morning. After complaining about the housekeeper's puppy, the tenant then concluded this round of baseless complaints and accusations with, "My check out date is set." Yes. We know. Your checkout date was set the moment you booked the room and acted horribly all during your stay. Bye Felecia.     

Regarding this particular mess, the guest text the homeowner, the homeowner text the housekeeper screen grabs, and the housekeeper showed me her text messages mostly because I'm the one who contacted the homeowner about this guest's dangerous house-behavior to begin with, all of which are against house and airbnb rules, but most dangerous are all the random sketchy men she has spending the night. At the time of the heavy drug use she was only one in the house.


Additionally, the room to my left who complained about the room being small, looks exactly like the photos that are posted. Not sure what they expected. It's a lower airbnb room rate because it's small. When I came to look at my room for rent, I saw all the rooms in the house including the room the couple is in. Because we're close to the Strip, the master bedroom goes for much more than the other rooms. All master bedrooms on airbnb are much higher than the other rooms. Nonetheless, the couple staying in the room complained it's small, complained the room was hot, but left before the housekeeper could get here and investigate. The couple didn't return to the house until 1:30am being louder than thunder slamming doors and stumbling drunk up the stairs laughing and yelling until finally settling in some three hours later. It's Vegas. This happens. So long as they're not doing drugs, vomiting anywhere, or setting the house on fire, whatever. Enjoy your time in Vegas.    

The room I rent isn't on airbnb. The vent on the floor is small. Air doesn't circulate well in this room which is fine during cooler months. For the summer months I bought one of those small yet mighty Honeywell fans and the room has been cooled all summer no problem. The homeowner could have bought a fan just like mine and rented the room out on airbnb, but he would be buying fans after each guest leaves. When I write many airbnb guests will steal anything not nailed down, I'm not joking. I'm surprised the living room flatscreen TV is still mounted on the wall.

Around 10am Saturday morning I left to grab breakfast and pick up a few things at the grocery store. By "breakfast" I mean I went to a local hangout to get an order of fish and chips. Real English pub fish and chips. I don't drink. I order a diet coke, fish and chips, watch TV and occasionally chat with the bartender. Nice lady. As I walked out the front door of the house to go eat, the airbnb guest and her new sketchy looking man, man #3 that I've seen, were out on the patio getting high of course. I peeked around the corner first to see who smoking pot on the patio, like I didn't already know, and saw it was the complaining guest and her sketchy man #3. The guest gave me a hard stare-down and blew out pot smoke in my direction. Gee, how thoughtful. I left to enjoy my morning.

Around 4pm the homeowner asked if I could put out a few rolls of toilet paper. The housekeeper had purchased the next 12-pack of toilet paper for the house and keeps it in my room so I can run TP to the bathrooms when needed which is literally like every fifteen hours it seems. I checked the TP situation last night (early this morning) before going to bed. Two rolls were put out but by 4pm today they both were magically gone. I put two more in. Hoarding toilet paper is so weird. I have my own toilet paper because it's just so bazaar how people hoard it. 

By 7:30pm the complaining guest and her sketchy companion #3 lit up again and started smoking weed. It's literally all she does. Finds sketchy male companions to "entertain" and gets high with them. And she wonders why she's not allowed back in this house after she checks out tomorrow morning.  

I absolutely hate the smell of pot smoke. I hate the smell of sage too. I know why people burn sage but F that. It's just stinky. And because I hate the smell of pot smoke, I keep a supply of Fabreze in my room. Every time the complaining guest lights up her drugs, I spray a goodly amount of Fabreze in my room. Lavender scented. FYI bugs hate the smell of lavender.   


8:41am. The self-entitled complaining guest checks out this morning. Almost two hours and counting. Not soon enough. The complaining guest is in her room, again, with some strange man smoking pot. Where does this entitlement come from? Just follow the rules, kids. FOLLOW THE RULES. The couple in the room to my left followed the rules. They're a couple who paid the two-person room rate. It's not fair to them that they should pay, and the complaining guest doesn't feel the need to.

Additionally, to the people who say, "It's not your house. What does it matter?" Because it does. I live here, hello. It's called pride, respect, self-respect, and courtesy. If you're going to go through life without exhibiting any of those qualities towards others or for yourself, doing whatever you want uncaring of others and their rights, then all those insane Christian zealots who think people suffer because God wants them to suffer will end up ruling the world. God doesn't want you to suffer. People want other people to suffer for their convenience, and those people need to be stopped. Amen. Hallelujah. 

After this complaining guest checks out this morning, the housekeeper has to clean her room of the pot smell and whatever mess she leaves behind particularly in the bed after she "entertained" all those sketchy AF men. Nasty. Utterly disgusting.  

I normally shower around 8am but I'm waiting until after she leaves. I saw she left all her dark hair clumped into the shower drain with zero effort of removing it. Fellas, any time you want to see the real hygiene of women, go look in their bathrooms. In fact, the bathroom should be the first place all people check when dating someone to see how clean they are. By the looks of things, we'll be pulling enough hair out of the shower drain after this rude AF woman leaves to craft a life-sized gorilla. 

Unfortunately, new airbnb members get the benefit of doubt. Everyone has to start somewhere, right? I can't imagine this woman has good reviews, but I get it, the homeowner has a business to run. That said if you're a horrible guest you're one and done. One and done. Bless your heart. 

12:48pm. The complaining guest left without incident, without kicking and screaming. I look forward reading her review. The wonderful housekeeper and I changed the security door codes and its life back to normal or as normal as can be here in Vegas. The couple to my left moved out also - the room was too small they said. I saw their room today after it was cleaned and it's a lot nicer than other smaller airbnb rooms let me tell you. A lot nicer. The housekeeper made it very nice. But the couple weren't happy, so they left. Now it's just myself and the guy in the master bedroom. It'll be a quiet day. Let's hope for a quiet night also.

I guess the lessons here are these:

1. You get what you pay for. You want cheaper, you get cheaper. 
2. Rules are rules. Don't like the rules go someplace else.
3. No homeowner is obligated to extend or accept your stay. You can request it, and they can say no.
4. Don't be a drug using/selling ho in someone else's house. That's what Vegas motels are for.

I'm going to eat my apple and get back to work researching the Biblical history of demons. Doesn't that sound fun. 😏 

Have a productive satisfying day. 

See you next time.


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AIR blog #9, Kicking and screaming?

Continued from AIR blog #8 Please first read AIR blog #8 or scroll down to it. This blog is an update. Saturday Wow. Even more drama. After ...