Friday, October 4, 2024

AIR blog #8, DRAMA!

Drama at the AIR house. 

(See last blog below this one for reference.) 

The room to my right, the woman who booked for one person but has kept male overnight guests, against house rules, who has also filled the house with pot smoke every day/night since being here, also against house rules, wanted to extend her stay but was told no, and now she's claiming racism as to why she was told no. 

Myself, the woman in the room to my right, and the housekeeper who takes care of this property are all women of color. I'm part Asian, and the other two women are black. I'm very friendly with the housekeeper because I'm a tenant and we've gotten to know each other over the months, and the woman in the room to my right is saying we're both racists against black people. Did I mention the housekeeper is also black.

Tonight, in text communication with the property owner who is Asian, the woman in the room to my right made accusations of racism against the (black) housekeeper and I when he told her no drugs are allowed in the house and that's in part why she cannot extend. The homeowner, who can see on cameras pointed at the front and garage doors all her comings and goings at all hours of the night with different men, and when he mentioned that to her, her comeback was not to address the men but to again accuse the housekeeper and I of racism regarding her drug use in the house. Did I mention both other women are black.  

So tonight, just now, the housekeeper came over to address a different issue with the room to my left. A couple checked in yesterday who said the room was small and the air conditioning didn't work. So, while the housekeeper was here dealing with that, the woman in the room to my right addressed the accusations she made against myself and the housekeeper. Remember what I said about people playing the race/victim card in my last blog, see below, well here's another prime example of that and it got weird.

I was asleep when the housekeeper came by tonight. I woke up when she called out my name through the door to chat, which she knows she can do, I'm always happy to talk to her especially if she needs me for anything. The AIR guest who made accusations about us being racist, saw the housekeeper and I talking and this is where the victim/race card got so weird the guest threw Kamala Harris's name into the confrontation. 

GUEST: "You all banged on my door and accused me of smoking pot."

Because she was. During her whole entire stay, she was.

HOUSEKEEPER: "I knocked on your door and asked if you were smoking. And reminded you there is no smoking allowed in the house because I smelled pot smoke."

GUEST: "No, you accused me of smoking. You loudly banged on my door and accused me of smoking."

This went back and forth for a few minutes.

GUEST: "This is a racial issue. You're racist."

HOUSEKEEPER: "How am I racist against you? I'm also black."

GUEST: "So is Kamala Harris, so there you go!"

What. What does that even mean. 

HOUSEKEEPER: "I don't understand what you mean."

GUEST: "Well it's against black people. The other person who complained in a testimonial is also black and you accused them of doing drugs too."

Well, no, she didn't. That time was me because they were using strong chemicals at 11pm at night. Yes, they were also black, but they were two young black men using strong chemicals that stunk up the entire house at 11pm at night. When they checked out, they left behind a bunch of drug paraphernalia in their room. 

GUEST: "And this is also between me and the homeowner."

I can see the housekeeper still stuck on the Kamala Harris remark, the guest went on with some kind of ramble about long stays being 28 days, not months. No idea what she was talking about.

GUEST: "I'm leaving in a few days anyways. So, there you go."

And then she walked off.

After that, the housekeeper showed me screen grabs of texts between the guest and the homeowner where he confronts her on the more important issue of men coming and going at all hours of the night. Which she completely ignores and just keeps saying we're all racist against black people, including the housekeeper who is black. We're both racists against black people... Us and Kamala Harris, apparently.

But the gem, the absolute gem in the text exchange between the guest and the homeowner was when she wrote, "Someone was in the bathroom snorting coke loudly at 12am or 1am and no one said anything about that. Just about me smoking. So, it's a racial thing. I work in a casino. Smoke follows me home."

You might need to read that text message a second time to fully process it and even then, no idea. Huh? 

And she doesn't work anywhere. She never left the house. Her job, if anything, was entertaining men and smoking dope. And look, I'm not saying her "occupation" is a bad thing, I'm just saying go get a hotel room for that. 

Snorting coke loudly in the bathroom? I blow my nose on occasion. No one was snorting coke... I mean why would they snort coke in the bathroom and not in their own rooms? And did she just admit to smoking pot then? 

In regard to the room to my left, the couple, no idea WTF going on there. Never saw them. Never heard them talking. I was asleep anyway.

And there's a nice guy in the master bedroom. Poor guy. Thankfully he doesn't speak much English. Tonight, I wished I didn't speak English. 

Look, if you don't want to be accused of doing drugs, don't do drugs and no one will have anything to accuse you of. If you're going to pay for one person in a room, don't have two in it. Today/tonight is the first day/night the room on my right didn't smoke pot. I assumed it was because the house is full. The rooms are all rented. OR maybe this is just another backpedal. Who knows. Life isn't that hard. But as I've written before, some people/generations think they should be allowed to do whatever they want without consequences. 

It's so gross that women think they can go into someone else's home to entertain men and smoke dope. Would you do that at your mom's house? No. Of course not. So why do that at someone else's house. 

The classic AIR guest who wants to party and do drugs all day and night purposely look for AIR rentals where the homeowner doesn't live on the property. They think they can then hook entertain men and do drugs without consequences. But this is my home-away-from-home too and I do not want to smell, hear, or witness your party habits. 

Of course this entitled woman is going to leave a review where she accuses all of us of racism against black people. Dang it, Kamala Harris. Why you gotta play that way.  

Have a good night, all. Let's see if she leaves peacefully Sunday morning or if she's going to go kicking and screaming the entire way.     

Sweet dreams.


AIR blog #9, Kicking and screaming?

Continued from AIR blog #8 Please first read AIR blog #8 or scroll down to it. This blog is an update. Saturday Wow. Even more drama. After ...