Monday, September 16, 2024

AIR diary, blog #5, (etc.)

Good morning from NOT Zen. *groan*

Early morning at the AIR house. From 3-4am is when I usually get to enjoy the house for my moment of Zen. As you know I rent a room month-to-month directly from the homeowner with the other three remaining bedrooms in the house rented out to AIRbnb and there is ALWAYS one room that is problematic. Always. 

More often than not the problematic renter/s stays in the room to the left of my bedroom. Such is the case now. Without getting political let me just say the problematic renter/s all bear the same characteristics, all of them. 

The homeowner does not live on the property. There are cameras in the common areas of the house like the patio, living room, kitchen, and garage. And because this place is my home away from home while I sort myself out, write, ponder my old age, I take care of the home like its mine. I make sure everything is tidy throughout the day and before I go to bed. Clean. Tidy. Trash taken out. Stocked. Last time I did this was about 8 hours ago and this is what I woke up to. 

(Why cleanser?) Just... unnecessary.


Granted, this is pretty mild. Usually, the trash can is overflowing, kitchen towels are all on the floor, and all the toilet paper in the house has been swiped. No kidding. Hording toilet paper is a big thing among AIRbnb guests. Three months ago, I had to scrub urine off the wall. And it's always the same people with the same characteristics. Always. You know trouble when it walks into your business, or in this case your home. The problem room is also doing the thing AIRbnb people do when the homeowner doesn't live on the property, they rent a room for two people (maximum occupancy) but then have their friends stay there also.  

The room to the left of me is cursed. I just know it. Lately the last three occupants were big time problems with drugs, noise, vandalism, and theft. Way back when I first joined AIRbnb, like six years ago or so, I read message boards where the homeowners were bashing TF out AIRbnb guests and I felt a little bad about it. I don't want to give someone my money and have them automatically think I'm a horrible person, you know, but now I get it 100%. The problem room don't give AF how loud and obnoxious they slam a door shut at all hours day and night. They just don't give AF. Throw cleanser on the floor and sink, they just don't give AF. 

I get it mister DeMonaco. I added a prologue to my book where I killed off a politician and now, I'm killing off these two a-holes in the room next to me (in my book of course).  

I don't know if other writers have this problem, but I get so aggressive, so into the moment as I'm killing off people in my book, that I slam on my keyboards a little too hard. Few days ago, I messed up one key. Still works but... I just get so into it.

Anyone else have dreams where they're flying? What does that mean? Of all the dreams I've had in my 55 years of life, flying like a rollercoaster going 100MPH is the most common dream I have. I don't actually see myself flying, I just am, looking through my eyes as I'm flying. Up and down, high into the sky and then soaring through canyons, into caves, over mountains, it's amazing. 


I've been doing some research on why certain men over 60 years of age suddenly just get so angry for no reason, and according to online medical studies, not getting erections over the age of 60 is a big deal for you fellas. Like, why? Bro, you're 60! Let it rest! Maybe not getting erections will help you become the man most women want you to be mentally and emotionally. Speaking as a 55-year-old woman, sex is LOW on my list of priorities. It always was though. Sex was like part of the 20-something year old me Saturday night lineup. If I didn't get too 'faced I might have looked for a fella. Although back in those days I was usually too partied out to do anything but find my bed and pass out.

I'm going to listen to the Smartless podcast now. Howard Stern is their guest. Should be good. He talks fast. I love most of their guests but the ones who talk slow just stress me out. 

Have a good day. Now go, make something wonderful. 😊

Thanks for the visit.


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